My First Blog (WordPress)

Why create this account?

I actually have less things to do today. Or may be..I don’t know what to do. Or perhaps..I don’t want to do it. The blank space led me to open one of my web bookmarks which happened to be one of those reflections from a preaching. That kinda inspired to write one of my own… Why not?

Anyways blogging has not been new to me. I have a number from different sites. But those I considered craps. Yes, little pieces of craps from my emotions, from my thoughts. I’ve been doing it for months especially at times when I’m feeling depressed. Ha! Well. Or, when I’ve been wanting someone to talk to. To vent out to in particular. But it always felt like somebody’s gonna judge me. Well, at least with a blog…they still may, but I would not know it. Well, they can comment. They can pass on the link…Nah, really, no difference at all. I just find it a relief to hear the keys of a keyboard translate into words how I feel and these thoughts. These thoughts that seem like a ballon always ready to blow. Or at least with a blog, I do not have to be pressured of thinking of the exact words to say. Cos in a blog I can always edit it here. xoxo

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